Ainsi parlent les plantes
Une approche Intégrative, Holistique et Multidimensionnelle
pour comprendre le Règne Végétal
par Dr. Dinesh Chauhan
Pour arriver au centre global individualisant/ à la CLE MAITRESSE du remède, la recherche sera basée sur ces symptômes PQRS au niveau physique local particulier, physique général, réaction, intensité et miasme du remède obtenu à travers la matière médicale, le répertoire, les thèmes de la matière médicale et les provings. Cela inclu aussi l'information obtenue de la nature, les sources naturelles, la mythologie et le contexte historique, et aussi des références chimiques et toxicologiques, de l'utilisation par la médecine moderne, des recherches anciennes ou nouvelles à propos de cette substance particulière, tout cela va constituer le système, qui va nous donner l'expression individuelle au niveau global du remède, de l'espèce, de la famille, du phylum du règne végétal.
Ce PQRS au niveau global du remède correspond au PQRS au niveau global du patient, c'est à dire au similimum.
Cela veut dire que notre approche ne sera pas limitée à une dimension unique, limitée à une méthode ou à une école ou à un type de thérapeuthique homéopathique, elle sera une
- comprendre le règne végétal par l'approche multidimensionelle globale intégrative et inclusive.
- Mon voyage pour arriver à la compréhension intégrative et holistique des plantes – comment tout a commencé?
- La compréhension intégrative et holistique du règne végétal et sa classification - Pourquoi est-ce nécessaire?
- L'approche intégrative holistique pour le règne végétal - Nous utilisons la classification AGPIV - Pourquoi?
- Réactions à propos du cours online AINSI PARLENT LES PLANTES 2020 (fr)
Carnivorous plants
Sacred plants
Plants for cancers
Symbiotic plants
Poisonous plants
Holistic key of a Higher order
Holistic key of an Order
Holistic key of a family/ tribe
Holistic key of a Remedy
Schema with the Master keys of plant remedies
Case Witnessing Process
The three steps of the case witnessing process namely Passive, Active, and Active-active can be observed everywhere, the 3 steps from an effort to effortlessness, from non-coordination to coordination are a universal phenomenon.
The three steps are not only limited to the phenomenon of case witnessing but they have a universal appeal regarding any other phenomenon in nature, what I learned further in these 3 steps is elicited by the Guerdigeff as “the law of three”. It is the basis of all the structures and processes within the universe and man. Now applying this law to any phenomenon in nature we can see that discovery of every phenomenon in nature moves in these 3 steps.
Feedbacks from THUS SPOKE THE PLANTS, online course 2020
"Absolutely impressive! But what a task you have set yourself [and your team]"
"Personally I do not listen to most homeopathic teachers, because I am less than keen on the paths homeopathy has taken in the last 30 years. Too much fantasy, floating imaginations, theorizing, always looking for something new instead of deepening the old solid knowledge. I see homeopathy crumbling because of this sycotic scramble. It makes me sad.
My motto is: head in the clouds, feet on the ground, and hopefully the two are connected. I do not see this most of the time. Mostly I see head in the clouds. In fewer cases, I see feet in the ground but no fly.
So the fact that I listen to your course and want to listen to more of your course, is special to me. Because it holds the two extremes together. So I like and recommend it to students.
Plants are my great weakness, so this is even more valuable to me."
"Your multidimensional and integrative approach to understanding homeopathy will have a great impact on young homeopaths because they have just begun their journey.
So if they change their mind, understand, and try to apply this multidimensional approach in case witnessing as well as case analysis then they can change their life and enjoy their journey.
I have not seen any homeopath applying the principle of similimum in a way that you do (BECOMING LIKE THEM and creating a similimum field). This is the most beautiful part which I have seen and learned from your cases.
Understanding Solanales - beginning with the word meaning TO mythology TO chemicals TO MM and finally coming to the Master key, a perfect example of demonstrating the multidimensional and integrative approach. Your lecture and any discussion with you always create an impact on me in a way I try to look it in a multidimensional way. Thank you Sir and looking forward for more!"
"This the second in the series of Thus Spoke The Plants, has again taught me so much that I can pass on to healing so many souls.
Your system runs like a well oiled Chevy motor.
Your passion and enthusiasm are tangible.
Your contribution to the healing world is greatly appreciated now and forevermore.
A huge thank you for sharing your love for homeopathy and mankind with us."
"I have looked at the website and am impressed. What I like is that you bring many reliable sources together. What is also beautiful is the way in which you share this with the homeopathic community. Not only by inviting people to join webinars or visit the websites but also by involving several colleagues in the gigantic work you started. The videos on Arnica and Bryonia are interesting to watch and follow clear logic, so it is easy to digest and integrate."
"Your sincere efforts to know and understand all plant families and compiling it was a fantastic endeavor. It is extremely insightful and gives a holistic view of remedies from symptom to system. You have approached studying the remedies from a different dimension altogether which was quite unique, truly and enriching experience to read it. It’s good to have the data on the website so we can refer to it whenever required. What you and your team have accomplished is a herculean task and I applaud you all for your invaluable contribution to the science and art of homeopathy."
"So far I really enjoyed them! I found them full if valuable content. But my knowledge of plants is not very strong so I have to concentrate so hard as every word you say has value and is new knowledge to me."
Our team
Dr. Dinesh Chauhan
Dr. Riddhi Joshi Jain
Zdravka Hristova
Indian Higher Order Study Group
Dr. Atul Patwardhan, Pune
Dr. Tushar Patwa, Mumbai
Dr. Michael Xavier, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Chandrashekar, Belgaum
Dr. Riddhi Jain, Mumbai
Dr. Rina Dedhiya, Pune
Dr. Nayan Ganava, Gujurat
International Higher Order Study Group
Gordana Sarotar, Croatia
Dr. Jiuan Heng, USA
Ulrike Schroeder, Germany
Dr Corrina Bendig, Germany
Zdravka Hristova, Bulgaria
Dr. An Debyser, Belgium
Dr. Marcia Huerliman, Switzerland
Dr. Ulrike Schuller-Schreib, Austria
Silke Fischer, Germany
Dr. Joanne Greenland, Australia