Integrative Inclusive Holistic Multidimensional Approach in understanding the Plant Kingdom (br)

As we all know that homeopathy is based on the 3 laws of


So we know that a homeopath belonging to any school of homeopathy practices on the basis of individualization, holism and the law of Similars. The first step for the homeopath is to understand the individualistic PQRS expressions of the patient or the remedy.

Individualistic expression at the holistic level

Dr. Hahnemann mentions the utmost importance of finding the peculiar symptoms in the search of the remedy, we know that these PQRS symptoms are expressed either at the physical particular plane or the physical general plane or the mental general plane. That is we see the PQRS symptoms at the local level or general level.

Those peculiar symptoms where the mind and body are connected, where the mind and body speak the same language, or where the mind and body react in unison with each other, these symptoms are of utmost importance as they will form the master key to the patients or the remedy’s center. They are the PECULIAR SYMPTOMS AT THE HOLISTIC LEVEL. It is the confluence point of all symptoms and this is where the two principles of homeopathy “individualization and holism” are connected; hence INDIVIDUALIZATION AT this HOLISTIC LEVEL is the perennial truth on which homeopathy is grounded.

The Key to Everything in Homoeopathy: Individualisation at the Holistic Level

  • Core of human being.
  • Case Witnessing process
  • Children case witnessing
  • Verbal and Non-verbal cases
  • Acute case taking
  • Rare deep irreversible pathologies.
  • Steps of searching the MASTER KEY of the remedy.
  • Study Materia Medica / Repertory / Proving and understanding the substance
  • Follow-up Criteria
  • Healing Awareness in case witnessing
  • Posology


Integrative holistic approach

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In the first part, we see each system/method separately from Hahnemann to contemporary masters; it gives us a 2-dimensional view of looking at each method separately, and a person oriented approach. But in the other half of the diagram we see it is an inclusive system, where we do not propose a person oriented system but a system which includes all these systems. An integrative multidimensional holistic approach, where all come together. This is what I propose an all-inclusive integrative multidimensional approach…

Integrative Holistic Multidimensional Approach

I want to give you the concept of multi-dimensional approach, an all-inclusive approach where it is not a person-oriented approach but a patient-oriented approach. Depending on what the patient puts in the centre.

triangle blue

Hence to arrive at the individualistic holistic centre/ MASTER KEY of the remedy, the search will be based on those PQRS symptoms at the local physical particular, physical general, mental general, reaction, intensity and miasm of the remedy obtained through the materia medica, repertory, thematic materia medicas and provings. It also includes the information obtained from nature, natural sources, the mythology and historical background, so also chemical and toxicology references, the modern medicine uses, old and new research about that particular substance, all this will form the system, which will give us the individualistic expressions at the holistic level of the remedy, the tribe, family, the higher order of the plant kingdom.

This PQRS at the holistic level then matches the PQRS at holistic level of patient i.e. similimum

This means that our approach will not be limited to a single dimension, limiting to one method or one school or one type of homeopathic therapeutics, it will be an  INTEGRATIVE HOLISTIC MULTIDIMENSIONAL APPROACH IN understanding the HOLISTIC MASTERY KEY OF THE PLANT KINGDOM/HIGHER ORDER/CLASS/TRIBE/FAMILY/INDIVIDUAL PLANT REMEDY


Multi-dimensional approach to understanding the master key of the remedy

  • Local Approach (PP)

LSMC (where in we there is location, sensation, modality and concomitant, that is a complete symptom)

  • Generalities Approach

 We knew that this approach takes into consideration not only the complete particular symptom but also generals…

    • Mental General Approach
    • Physical General Approach


  • Holistic approach

(PQRS at Holistic level i.e. Master Key) (either through repertory/MM/themes)

In this we get the PQRS along with

  • Whole (Sensation) (PQRS at holistic Level) + PQRS at PP/PG/MG Level
  • Whole (Sensation) (PQRS at holistic Level) + Disease(Diagnosis) (Sphere of action)
  • Whole (Sensation) (PQRS at holistic Level) + Diathesis (temperament).
  • Whole (Sensation) (PQRS at holistic Level) + Miasm
  • Whole (Sensation) (PQRS at holistic Level) + themes (Thematic Materia Medica)
  • Whole (Sensation) (PQRS at holistic Level) + Kingdom/subkingdom/source)
  • Whole (Sensation) (PQRS at holistic Level) + mythology
  • Whole (Sensation) (PQRS at holistic Level) + themes (Thematic Materia Medica)
  • Whole (Sensation) (PQRS at holistic Level) + Kingdom/subkingdom/source)
  • Whole (Sensation) (PQRS at holistic Level) + mythology

This integrative holistic multidimensional approach has helped me in all aspects of Homoeopathy and life and has now the same approach I use in understanding the remedy, tribe, family, subfamily, higher order, class by deriving the MASTER KEY of each remedy, tribe, family, subfamily, higher order, class.


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